Combined Weekly and Daily Probable Event Timimg Report
Personal report for: Maria for the period 01/15/2001 through 07/09/2001.
This report gives you the most likely time periods for opportunities and/or challenges over date range above. Plus or minus one week around the graph peaks, are when you could cross paths or even re-connect with a potentially significant person and/or opportunity.
The higher the probability (peak in the graph) the more likely a significant event could occur. These events could be favorable or challenging. Not all weekly time periods will be neccessarily noticeable; where the same date range clusters (i.e. repeats) is when a major event is most probable. Time periods with percentages above 50% are more significant and in bold type. The percentage value of listed date ranges may be slightly different than values indicated on the graph due to data smoothing. The data is relative to other data and is not an absolute value.
*The individual daily dates listed under each weekly time period are when it is more likely to expect an event (plus or minus one day within that weekly time period). If the daily category matches the weekly category, the daily category is in bold type. Due to overlapping weekly time periods, daily dates are listed once, in the first weekly time period they appear. In other words, daily dates will not in a second overlapping weekly time period.*
Dynamic Report Analysis:
The graph below illustrates the weekly probability of events regarding Total Dynamic, Spiritual/Intuitive, Love/Romance/Sex/Intimacy/Money, Feminine,and Masculine energy. An explanation of what might happen in each category is after the time period listing.
Weekly(W) & Daily(D) Time Period Listing Summary:
To view a personal, detailed, and unique interpretative description (thousands of different interpretations possible) for each each Week (W:) or day (D:), move your cursor (e.g., mouse pointer) over each Category description: (e.g.,Individual Time
Periods: Category
description: Probability
rating strength: Rating level:
W: 02/02/2001-02/22/2001
58 %
(Above Average)
D: 02/03/2001
28 %
(Below Average)
D: 02/06/2001
67 %
(Above Average)
D: 02/06/2001
79 %
D: 02/06/2001
38 %
D: 02/11/2001
25 %
(Below Average)
D: 02/14/2001
27 %
(Below Average)
D: 02/15/2001
27 %
(Below Average)
D: 02/17/2001
31 %
(Below Average)
D: 02/20/2001
25 %
(Below Average)
D: 02/21/2001
29 %
(Below Average)
W: 02/02/2001-02/22/2001
18 %
W: 02/16/2001-03/08/2001
99 %
(Very Strong)
D: 03/01/2001
96 %
(Very Strong)
D: 03/02/2001
31 %
(Below Average)
D: 03/03/2001
65 %
(Above Average)
D: 03/06/2001
93 %
(Very Strong)
D: 03/06/2001
26 %
(Below Average)
D: 03/08/2001
34 %
(Below Average)
W: 02/16/2001-03/08/2001
17 %
W: 02/23/2001-03/15/2001
49 %
W: 03/02/2001-03/22/2001
100 %
(Very Strong)
D: 03/16/2001
41 %
D: 03/16/2001
37 %
D: 03/16/2001
27 %
(Below Average)
D: 03/21/2001
33 %
(Below Average)
W: 03/16/2001-04/05/2001
33 %
(Below Average)
D: 03/23/2001
30 %
(Below Average)
D: 03/25/2001
33 %
(Below Average)
D: 03/28/2001
85 %
(Very Strong)
D: 03/29/2001
25 %
(Below Average)
D: 03/30/2001
25 %
(Below Average)
D: 04/04/2001
36 %
W: 03/23/2001-04/12/2001
61 %
(Above Average)
D: 04/07/2001
26 %
(Below Average)
W: 03/23/2001-04/12/2001
51 %
W: 04/06/2001-04/26/2001
40 %
D: 04/15/2001
48 %
D: 04/19/2001
29 %
(Below Average)
W: 04/13/2001-05/03/2001
68 %
(Above Average)
D: 04/29/2001
69 %
(Above Average)
D: 04/30/2001
100 %
(Very Strong)
D: 05/02/2001
55 %
(Above Average)
W: 04/20/2001-05/10/2001
13 %
(Very Weak)
D: 05/05/2001
44 %
D: 05/07/2001
55 %
(Above Average)
D: 05/08/2001
64 %
(Above Average)
W: 05/11/2001-05/31/2001
100 %
(Very Strong)
D: 05/11/2001
30 %
(Below Average)
D: 05/12/2001
99 %
(Very Strong)
D: 05/12/2001
27 %
(Below Average)
D: 05/19/2001
31 %
(Below Average)
D: 05/19/2001
34 %
(Below Average)
D: 05/19/2001
31 %
(Below Average)
D: 05/21/2001
27 %
(Below Average)
D: 05/22/2001
25 %
(Below Average)
D: 05/26/2001
100 %
(Very Strong)
D: 05/26/2001
51 %
D: 05/26/2001
100 %
(Very Strong)
D: 05/27/2001
43 %
D: 05/30/2001
34 %
(Below Average)
W: 05/18/2001-06/07/2001
22 %
D: 06/04/2001
100 %
(Very Strong)
D: 06/04/2001
78 %
W: 05/18/2001-06/07/2001
11 %
(Very Weak)
W: 05/25/2001-06/14/2001
12 %
(Very Weak)
D: 06/08/2001
25 %
(Below Average)
D: 06/11/2001
54 %
D: 06/14/2001
25 %
(Below Average)
W: 05/25/2001-06/14/2001
98 %
(Very Strong)
W: 06/01/2001-06/21/2001
17 %
D: 06/18/2001
71 %
D: 06/18/2001
46 %
D: 06/21/2001
27 %
(Below Average)
D: 06/21/2001
65 %
(Above Average)
Each Category Interpretation/Description:
Total Dynamic Energy:
Noticeable events, feeling, and/or a focus in any area of your life are possible.
Spiritual/Intuitive Energy:
Events, feelings, or individual focus is on subtle energy, spirituality, the esoteric/mystical, ideal vision/imagination, and the mythical. (...More text included with your personal report.)
Love/Romance/Sex/Intimacy/Money Energy:
Events and feelings focus on love, romantic relationships, intimacy, touch, and emotionally colored tastes. Note issues and experiences dealing with money/finance, arts/music/entertainment, fashion, and socializing. (...More text included with your personal report.)
Feminine Energy:
Events and feelings focus on your emotions/feelings, receptivity, the soul and soul memory, and trusting instinct/intuition. Note issues with females in any role around you, home/family, children/fertiltiy, public relations, and transportation. (...More text included with your personal report.)
Masculine Energy:
Events, feelings, or individual focus is on the conscious personality, health/creative vitality, identity, life force, true self-expression, will-power, and ambition. Note males in any role around you, authority/ leadership, vocation, and acting(role playing). (...More text included with your personal report.)
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Near-term Timing Report:We are making this new and unique report available for a minimum donation of $24 (US).
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