Isis Relationship Compatibility Harmonic Indicator System Report (Sample)
Introduction/Background: (Included in your personal report)
Personal Compatibility Report Analysis: Most categories (i.e., characteristics of your mutual compatibility) consist of two parts:
A) Numerical Ranking/scoring represented by:
1) Percent (%) of the ideal compatibility: (0 to 100%...e.g., in the first category; a percent rating above 60% usually indicates long-term potential.)2) Number and color of Stars:
a) (Outstanding) or
(Excellent) or
(Well Above Average): GO...Significant long-term
romantic potential...and for friendship or business.
b)(Barely Above Average): Caution...Borderline
long-term romantic potential...better for friendship or business.
c) (Average) or no Stars (Below Average or Poor): Stop...Use
extreme caution since there is slight long-term romantic potential...maybe possible for
friendship or business.
3) Rating Label: (Outstanding, Excellent, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Poor)
B) Personal text interpretation: As text flows top to bottom, it decreases in importance. Text length, in each category, varies from several paragraphs up to two pages.
Referring to the graph below, the first four compatibility categories are the primary indications of potential relationship compatibility.
Overall Compatibility Score: 64 %, , (Well Above Average)
Combines potential harmony/attraction and longevity. As the single most important category for comparison, above 60% has greater potential for long term soulmate or life-partner success. Compatibility below 60% indicates more of a short term or practice relationship to resolve issues. Generally, above 85% may be considered "outstanding", 70% to 85% "excellent", 55% to 70% "above average", 45% to 55% "average", 35% to 45% "below average", and under 35% "poor".
Overall Compatibility Interpretation:
Indicates a common avocation, vitality, and compatible personality identities. Connections between individuals can be strengthened through the active use of source and life force energy. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include the use of logical and analytical faculties, left brain activity, true self-expression, play, acting capabilities, creative vitality, illumination, will-power, ambition, a focus on achievement, self-confidence, strength, purpose, and dynamic action and predictability. Focus is on the conscious personality (or "the mask you choose to display"), males in any role around you, health/vitality, authority/leadership, and identity. Indicates an intense love/heart bond and is an important indication of soulmate/life-partner potential. Connections between individuals can be strengthened through deep love, intimacy, emotionally colored tastes, touch, kindness, warmth, harmony, balance, aesthetics, and fertility. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include love/joy/happiness, beauty, grace, peace, attractiveness, and creativity. Focus is on romantic relationships, money/finance issues, arts/music/entertainment pursuits, fashion, and harmonious social events. Indicates a mutual emotional/intuitive bond, strengthened domestic harmony, and an important indication of soulmate/life-partner potential. Connections between individuals can be strengthened by strong intuition. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include passivity, emotions/feelings, emotional clarity, receptivity, caring, trusting. Focus is on issues dealing with the subconscious personality, mystery, instinct/intuition, fluidity, adaptation, flexibility, temperament, reaction, and routines/habit. Influences interactions with females in any role around you, home/family, children, public relations and transportation. Be aware of experiences with soul memory, flowing, right brain activity, creativeness, and reflection. Indicates similar overlay traits (the mask you show others) of each other's self-image through first impression on others. Focus is on environment/surroundings and "self" vs. other. Indicates an exciting friendship, equality, and new experiences through originality. Connections between individuals can be expressed through discovery, novelty, experimentation, friendship, altruistic brother/sisterhood, and awakening.
Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include individual will/self-discovery, freedom/detachment, and genius. Focus is on surprising/sudden innovation/change, technology/computers/communication, and revolutionary reform. Indicates a mutual empowerment through renewal and forgiveness. Connections between individuals can be expressed through personal power and sex/intimacy. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include the secret/mysterious. Focus is on a symbolic death/rebirth, hidden matters/resources, transformation/transcendence, the collective unconscious, and large-scale mass movements. Powerful expression of creative identity through harmoniously blending self-image with environment. The soul expression radiates an aura of creative vitality strengthened by disciplined will-power. Events focus on recognition due and shared responsibility issues. Exciting love and resource opportunity can manifest through love, emotional intensity, and intimacy. An interest in freedom and experimentation can lead to sharing unique values and experiencing exhilarating and sudden love. Discovery of multi-dimensional personality perspectives is possible. Relationships and events are influenced by sensual stimulation, new and exciting friendships, inspirational creativity, and flexibility that brings unexpected opportunity with important changes. Intuition and creativity flows well through complimentary personality traits.
The relationship is supported by powerful attraction. Focus is on balancing masculine/projection and feminine/inner energy, and noticing and using dynamic intuition. Indicates a spiritual union through empathy/compassion/sensitivity, ideal vision/imagination, and fantasy. Connections between individuals can be expressed through dreams, subtle energy, and mystical associations. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include a focus on perfection, the esoteric, inspiration, mysticism, enlightenment, service, humility. Balancing work and personal life through a well-developed value system supports relationships and events. Focus is on rewards, avocational artistic expression, wise counsel, fortunate property/finance decisions, and prosperity. Indicates a strong physical union strengthened with passionate intimacy/sexuality. Connections between individuals can be expressed through energy, action, procreation/virility, courage, initiative, desire, and zeal/enthusiasm.
Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include assertion, self-starting motivation, boldness, and courage. Focus is on intense energy. Indicates a shared mental/intellectual interests through communication, education, service, and legal matters. Connections between individuals can be strengthened through comprehension, clear perception, reason/analysis, and magic. Relationship character and personality traits emphasized include purity, humility, curiosity, cleverness, and versatility. Focus is on local travel, the intellectual/mental/rational faculty, the oral/written expression, details, quickness/agility/mobility/movement, and perfection. Deep affection and devotion are merged with sympathy, sensitivity, and consideration. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced through loving harmonious emotions, inner harmony, and social and domestic ease. Favorable public/social relations and emotional balance influence relationship character and personality traits. Focus is on artistic passion. Love and social nature unifies and blends with creativity through creative relating, mutual love fulfillment/appreciation, composure, and equal giving/receiving. Sincere love is expressed through balancing expectations of self and others. Relationships and events are positively affected by social confidence, self-esteem that bolsters self-image, a happy appearance and diplomacy. Focus is on creative aesthetic pursuits, radiating inner/outer beauty, and a pleasant/beautiful environment. Soul growth and self-realization through pleasant karmic past-life masculine connections foster light karmic healing with males and creatively applying willpower to transcend/heal past-life masculine issues. Indicates many past lives together and strong karmic ties through old/new associations, and acquaintances. Focus is on meetings and integrating past with present behaviors. Indicates many past lives together and strong karmic ties through old/new associations, and acquaintances. Focus is on meetings and integrating past with present behaviors. Indicates many past lives together and strong karmic ties through old/new associations, and acquaintances. Focus is on meetings and integrating past with present behaviors.
The next two categories modify the overall compatibility (higher or lower) depending on the amount of mutual avocational (work and/or hobbies) interests and spiritual evolvement. A delicate balance, between mutual common interests and individual diverse interests, is the ideal.
Compatibility With Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Score: 76.3
%, , (Excellent)
Shared, non-romantic, mutual interests (e.g., dynamic hobby, business, civic, and/or charitable activity, etc.) well balanced with differing individual interests, may greatly improve compatibility. As the third most important category for comparison; this area is where the greatest harmony is likely (especially if there is equal spiritual evolvement between partners). Generally, above 90% may be considered "outstanding", 75% to 90% "excellent", 60% to 75% "above average", 45% to 60% "average", 30% to 45% "below average", and under 30% "poor".
Overall Compatibility With Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Interpretation:
Practical application of intuition in mutual avocational interests/activities (e.g., hobby, business, civic, charitable, etc.) can be influenced and characterized by emotional responsibility/stability, inner strength, trusting/applying intuition, self-respect, business sense, and working with authority figures with ease. Emphasis can be on healing/intuiting past-life/childhood issues, committed relationships, wisdom, schedule organization, and mutual self-reflection. MC/MC Practical karmic and past life emotional healing. Creative self-mastery and major metamorphosis and or transformation through personal self-empowerment that leads to the deepest self-discovery. Capabilities for tapping inner strength and exhibiting dynamic leadership can surface. Easy and temperate sexual and/or intimate emotional healing. Creative and empowered vocational accomplishment is possible. Emphasis is on intense sexual energy and intimacy or extreme power struggles. Vigorous discussion helps build mental fortitude that strengthened by thinking decisively, and opening to the mental intensity and accented intellectual sharpness. Exhibiting perception with assertion and seeing new ideas can foster healing repressed anger. Environmental self-image awareness through easy emotional healing. Facing and resolving past life physical karmic issues through blending sexual/intimacy, strength, courage, and determination. Spiritual insight is accented and supported through acting on ideals, dynamic inspiration, transcendence, and imagination in action. Erotic fantasy and sexual and intimate creativity can be a focus and possibly experienced. Expressing vulnerability with a focus on sensitivity, compassion, energetic intuition, and forgiveness can instigate the beginning of healing deep hurts. Actions can stem from selfless sacrifice, vision, and artistic creation.
Compatibility Without Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Score: 52.3
%, , (Barely Above Average)
Lack of shared, non-romantic, mutual interests (e.g., dynamic hobby, business, civic, and/or charitable activity, etc.) to balance differing individual interests, decreases compatibility. Also, as the third most important category for comparison this area is where the greatest challenges are likely (especially if there is an extreme difference in spiritual evolvement between partners). Generally, above 80% may be considered "outstanding", 65% to 80% "excellent", 50% to 65% "above average", 35% to 50% "average", 20% to 35% "below average", and under 20% "poor".
Overall Compatibility Without Shared Avocation and Evolved Spirituality Interpretation:
One person may be doing most of the emotional issue processing with difficult joint emotional issues/karma and challenges emphasizing meddling/controlling/difficult females in any role (e.g., mother, in-law, child, step-child, boss, etc.). Note females providing undesirable advice if not interfering in intimate affairs. The challenge in this is relationship is characterized by negative consciousness, depression, stretching of comfort zones, burdens, depression, lack of inner security, insensitivity/coldness, isolation, blocked intuition, frustration, fear of closeness/intimacy, extreme worry, projection of old emotional issues, denial of feelings, self-criticality, hypersensitivity, and home/career conflicting priorities. Imperative to practically apply intuition in mutual avocation interests/activities (e.g., hobby, business, civic, charitable, etc.). May be one person doing most of the highly charged avocational issue processing with difficult joint ego/identity issues focussing on karma and challenges. Note areas where meddling/controlling/difficult males are present in any role (e.g., father, in-law, child, step-child, boss, etc.). Watch for undesirable advice to be present, if not a possibility of actual intimate affairs. Energy is characterized by aggression blocking creativity through "might is right", irrational/explosive anger/conflict, burnout, rivalry, impatience and excessive/reckless risk-taking. Work schedules may conflict or spending too much time with male friends may arise. It is essential to share and participate in a non-romantic avocational activity (vocational, hobby, business, civic, charitable) to work through this energy. Blocked karmic and past life emotional healing. Blocked creative transformation through extreme power struggles, hidden issues/agenda, manipulation, transference of fears, ulterior motives, and meddling males. Difficult and blocked sexual/intimate emotional healing complicated by frustration and anger. Watch for blocked accomplishment through extreme power struggles and emotional/physical abuse. Note and process situations inspiring ruthlessness and resentment. Avoid self-destructive tendencies, vengeance, jealousy, and extreme manipulation. Don't allow self-hatred, an identity crisis, projecting anger, and hidden agendas. Emotional upset is possibly stimulated through instability. Emotional undercurrents, feelings of rebellion, and extreme mood swings, struggles, affect relationships. Possible abuse, ruthlessness, resentment, self-destructive tendencies, a focus on vengeance, jealousy, extreme manipulation, self-hatred, identity crisis, projecting anger, and hidden agendas. Contentious discussion through rash/impulsive thoughts, dumping/projecting anger, patience lacking, arguments, and communication conflicts. Environmental self-image awareness through challenging emotional healing. Denying past life physical karmic issues through brutal force, and physical/sexual abuse. Vague identity awareness is enforced through confusion and disorientation. Illness can be experienced. Guard against escapism, substance abuse, and addictions, which can be an emotional drain. Be aware of deceptive action and the urge to chase illusions. Guilt, conflict avoidance, anger, vulnerability and detachment can be experienced in areas that may be off-center and in which you need to positively focus energy. There can be invigorating mental flow/clarity and spontaneous intuition also.
Longevity / Endurance Score: 65.9 %, , (Excellent)
The relationship's ability to endure and maintain harmony when either person (or both) undergoes challenging individual cycles. The higher the longevity rating, the easier it is to be mutually supportive during tough times since it is more likely that the areas of challenge would affect both and easier to resolve through mutual support. Conversely, if the longevity is weak, then it is possible that resentment could build over time if the one with easier cycles does not give support while the other is under pressure. As the second most important category for comparison; generally, above 80% may be considered "outstanding", 65% to 80% "excellent", 50% to 65% "above average", 35% to 50% "average", 20% to 35% "below average", and under 20% "poor". Longevity /endurance has no text interpretation.
Secondary Indicators:
The remaining categories are general indications of minor importance; highlighting several different mutual compatibility areas pertaining to the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical dimensional planes of existence.
For interpretation purposes, the secondary indicators my be grouped into four major categories: 1) Spiritual / Emotional / Resources, 2) Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship, 3) Intimacy / Sex, 4) Avocation / Vitality. Note that there may be some slight repetition due to the important overlap of multiple characteristics.
Generally, above 90% may be considered "outstanding", 75% to 90% "excellent", 60% to 75% "above average", 45% to 60% "average", 30% to 45% "below average", and under 30% "poor".
1) Spiritual / Emotional / Resources
Spiritual /Intuitive Score: 65.9 %, , (Barely Above Average)
Love / Romance / Emotional Score: 76.5 %, , (Excellent)
Resources / Money Score: 65.1 %, , (Barely Above Average)
Spiritual / Emotional / Resources Interpretation:
Indicates emotional responsibility/stability, and committed relationships. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced by an inner strength, patience/endurance/persistence, trusting/applying intuition, and the promotion of healing/intuiting past-life/childhood issues. Relationship character and personality traits are self-respect, business sense, wisdom, concentration/discipline, and schedule organization and what is conventional (in thought and action). Focus is on flowing relationships with authority figures and self-reflective thought. Emphasizes harmony and gifts as supported by responsibility and commitment. Note females in any role around you, home/family, children, receptivity, public relations, reaction, instinct, routine/habit, transportation. The execution of karma can be apparent. Note periods of negative consciousness, blocked intuition, frustration, extreme worry, fear and anxiety, stretching comfort zones, burdens, restriction, and depression. There can be a lack of inner security and the feeling and projection of insensitivity/coldness, a projection of old issues, a fear of closeness/intimacy, and a denial of feelings. Periods of isolation, stresses, conflicts, delays, and obstacles around the home/career can occur. There is a tendency to be self-critical, moody, indecisive, and hypersensitive. Indicates karmic and past life emotional healing. Indicates sexual and/or intimate emotional healing.
Indicates a strong focus on love, emotional issues, intimacy, and freedom. Experimentation in relationships and events can promote unique values and exhilarating, sudden love experiences. Focus is on discovering multi-dimensional personality aspects, sensual stimulation, new and exciting friendships, and inspirational creativity. Flexibility brings opportunity through change. Note the affect of eccentric tastes, emotionally unstable reactions, and an unpredictable extreme desire for independence or closeness. Life can be characterized by an emotional and or financial rollercoaster, with love and or money issues being unsettled or up in the air in suspension. Indicates balancing masculine/outer and feminine/inner energy and noticing and using active intuition. Focus is on not letting energy scatter into distractions. Indicates a well-developed value system. Recognition and or rewards characterize relationships and events. Focus is on avocational artistic expression. Wise counsel, fortunate property and or finance decisions, and the ability to successfully balancing work and personal life support events. Experiencing prosperity. Note where there is an over emphasis on style and appearance. A focus on a shallow value system and extreme vanity can undermine success. Jealousy and a compulsive need for seeking attention can adversely affect relationships.
2) Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship
Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship Score: 77 %, , (Excellent)
Communication / Mental / Intellectual / Friendship Interpretation:
Indicates powerful knowledge and expanded personal power. Passionate personal beliefs and deep bonding can influence relationships and events. Crisis can be handled adeptly, fostering an unyielding spirit. Focus is on completing goals with determination and associating with powerful connections. Detached insight brings self-mastery, a deep understanding of life and death mysteries. Be aware of opportunity disguised as loss and notice your material abundance. Interactions can be in focused on philosophical bonding and faithfully defending principles. Be aware of the possibility of material bankruptcy, twisting laws and principles to attain power, and compulsive excesses. Personal power can be scattered or diluted by fanatically pushing dogmatic or narrow beliefs and focusing on judgements. Avoid allowing faith to be shattered by loss or the manipulation of yourself by charlatans. Use discrimination. Indicates expansive perception and expression of beliefs representing the inner vision. Relationships and events are influenced by eclectic insights, elevated consciousness, broadening perspective through travel, education, and philosophy. Emphasis is on communication with insight and confidence, and good news. Avoid taking the stance as a know-it-all or being all-talk-no-action. Avoid procrastination, idea exaggeration, narrow self-righteousness, and avoidance of issues. Take care to curb being naïve or gambling it all on one shot. Indicates environmental surroundings and self-image awareness that can promote perceiving a fortunate new identity. Fortunate expression of personal style to promote expansive identity. The experience of great faith supports eclectic knowledge, luck, abundance, and natural optimism. Benefits for all can come from counseling others. Watch environmental surroundings and self-image awareness. Avoid falling prey to overconfidence, scattered energy, overpromising, exaggeration, narrow snap judgements, and feeling and expressing little faith.
Indicates a strong focus on love, emotional issues, intimacy, and freedom. Experimentation in relationships and events can promote unique values and exhilarating, sudden love experiences. Focus is on discovering multi-dimensional personality aspects, sensual stimulation, new and exciting friendships, and inspirational creativity. Flexibility brings opportunity through change. Note the affect of eccentric tastes, emotionally unstable reactions, and an unpredictable extreme desire for independence or closeness. Life can be characterized by an emotional and or financial rollercoaster, with love and or money issues being unsettled or up in the air in suspension. Indicates creative experimentation and novel self-expressed ideas promoting self-discovery. A confidence in originality can be nurtured. Note new masculine relationships or vocation. Watch for an eccentric self-focus and conflicts with freedom of self-expression that can breed instability and uncertainty. Indicates creative experimentation and novel self-expressed ideas promoting self-discovery. A confidence in originality can be nurtured. Note new masculine relationships or vocation. Watch for an eccentric self-focus and conflicts with freedom of self-expression that can breed instability and uncertainty.
3) Intimacy / Sexuality Score:
Intimacy / Sexuality Score: 71.5 %, , (Well Above Average)
Intimacy / Sexuality Interpretation:
Indicates strong, intense energy focussed on the competitive spirit. Courage and fair competition define the ways initiative, ambition, and enthusiasm work towards achieving goals. Processing anger and frustration into a positive energy flow is highlighted. Note the areas that "might is right" and irrational and/or explosive anger occur during conflict. Watch for possibility of burnout. Rivalry, impatience, and excessive/reckless risk-taking can be displayed. Indicates creative self-mastery and a possibility of major metamorphosis through strengthening the expression of personal power that can lead to the deepest self-discovery. Focus is on events defined by dynamic leadership. Watch for hidden issues/agenda, power fears/transference, masculine power struggles, and the possibility of ulterior motives in your actions or those around you. Guard against compulsiveness. Indicates sexual and/or intimate emotional healing.
Indicates creative self-mastery and a possibility of major metamorphosis through strengthening the expression of personal power that can lead to the deepest self-discovery. Focus is on events defined by dynamic leadership. Watch for hidden issues/agenda, power fears/transference, masculine power struggles, and the possibility of ulterior motives in your actions or those around you. Guard against compulsiveness. Indicates creative self-mastery and a possibility of major metamorphosis through strengthening the expression of personal power that can lead to the deepest self-discovery. Focus is on events defined by dynamic leadership. Watch for hidden issues/agenda, power fears/transference, masculine power struggles, and the possibility of ulterior motives in your actions or those around you. Guard against compulsiveness. Indicates emotional passion. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced by acting on intuition, embracing sensitivity and courage. Focus is on emotional assertion/outpouring of energies. Note areas where repressed anger resides and is illustrated by impatience, emotional outbursts, undercurrents, and efforts at domination. Self-hatred tendencies and smothering can be restricting. Note any propensity for burning bridges.
4) Avocation / Vitality
Avocational / Work / Hobbies Score: 73.8 %, , (Well Above Average)
Vitality / Health Score: 76.8 %, , (Excellent)
Avocation / Vitality Interpretation:
Indicates emotional responsibility/stability, and committed relationships. Depending on each person's spiritual evolvement, relationships can be influenced by an inner strength, patience/endurance/persistence, trusting/applying intuition, and the promotion of healing/intuiting past-life/childhood issues. Relationship character and personality traits are self-respect, business sense, wisdom, concentration/discipline, and schedule organization and what is conventional (in thought and action). Focus is on flowing relationships with authority figures and self-reflective thought. Emphasizes harmony and gifts as supported by responsibility and commitment. Note females in any role around you, home/family, children, receptivity, public relations, reaction, instinct, routine/habit, transportation. The execution of karma can be apparent. Note periods of negative consciousness, blocked intuition, frustration, extreme worry, fear and anxiety, stretching comfort zones, burdens, restriction, and depression. There can be a lack of inner security and the feeling and projection of insensitivity/coldness, a projection of old issues, a fear of closeness/intimacy, and a denial of feelings. Periods of isolation, stresses, conflicts, delays, and obstacles around the home/career can occur. There is a tendency to be self-critical, moody, indecisive, and hypersensitive. Indicates strong, intense energy focussed on the competitive spirit. Courage and fair competition define the ways initiative, ambition, and enthusiasm work towards achieving goals. Processing anger and frustration into a positive energy flow is highlighted. Note the areas that "might is right" and irrational and/or explosive anger occur during conflict. Watch for possibility of burnout. Rivalry, impatience, and excessive/reckless risk-taking can be displayed. Indicates karmic and past life emotional healing.
Indicates relating with a creative masculine identity and expressing powerful new self-expression. Positive promotion is aided by an aura of creative vitality. Focus is on exercising willpower and positive self-image that can blend with environmental harmony. Recognition and shared responsibility in relationships are accented. Note areas affected by self attention, inflated ego, pride, extravagant center staging, and a lack of cooperation. Watch for a lack of courage and willpower that can undermine responsibility. Indicates balancing masculine/outer and feminine/inner energy and noticing and using active intuition. Focus is on not letting energy scatter into distractions. Indicates relating with a creative masculine identity and expressing powerful new self-expression. Positive promotion is aided by an aura of creative vitality. Focus is on exercising willpower and positive self-image that can blend with environmental harmony. Recognition and shared responsibility in relationships are accented. Note areas affected by self attention, inflated ego, pride, extravagant center staging, and a lack of cooperation. Watch for a lack of courage and willpower that can undermine responsibility.
How To Develop A Mutually Rewarding Relationship: (included in your personal report)
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